Our saluki mix recently had a second bout of bacterial skin infection on her belly area and inner hind leg areas, something that she picked up at our local beach. The topical anti-bacterial/anti-fungal spray our vet prescribed worked the first time, however this second time around, the spray wasn't working as quickly to help clear up the angry red infection that she was suffering from, we were starting to worry. A good friend of ours had recommended that we look into the Adored Beast products, so I decided to try the Owies & Oopsies spray to see if it would help. We purchased it from our local supplier and recieved it on a Wednesday, and we started the treatment on our Portia immediately. It is now Sunday and not only has her very angry looking red rash subsided, her skin is now flaking off the healing scabs and her skin is looking a lot more healthier again. This spray has been a game changer for her (& us) as we didn't want to take her back to the vet and have them prescribe another 'chemical' remedy. Thank you very much for creating this wonderful product.